Get Strong.

Watch this video to see each workout for this phase explained in-depth by Coach Collin.

Main Lift – Progression Scheme

Start from your projected 30-50% 1RM weight on 3×5 sets as per the lift.
*** Add 5-10lb / 2.2-5kg per session until you reach roughly 65% of your 1RM, the more patient you are, the farther you will get on maximal strength***
THEN follow the below Adding Weight Schemes.

Adding Weight Scheme
Squats – add 2.5-5lb / 1.1-2.5kg per session to the bar
Deadlifts – add anywhere from2.5-5lb / 1.1-2.5kg per session to the bar
Bench – add anywhere from 2.5-5lb / 1.1-2.5kg per session to the bar
Press – add anywhere from 2.5-5lb / 1.1-2.5kg per session on the bar
Expect Press to move very slow, don’t freak if your not adding weight each session or week.

Set and Rep Scheme
3×5 – Add weight from last session’s weight used – rest 3-4 minutes

Details About Program

How do I know when I am ready to move on to Phase 2?
Then keep adding weight to the bar as per Adding Weight Scheme until you can not complete 3 sets for 5 reps.
As you increase the weight you will miss reps on the 3 sets. That is when you move on the phase 2.
CONTACT YOU CAOCH, BEFORE MOVING TO PHASE 2, we can milk this longer most likely.

Are weights feeling heavier than usual, feeling drained, or just wanting a day with the family?
When you feel like you need a rest day… Take a rest day! Then get back at it.

Weekly Split – Weeks 1-4

A Day 1 – Squat, Deadlift, & Bench
B Day 2 – Rest Day or Fluff Day
C Day 3 – Squat, Deadlift, & Press
D Day 4 – Rest Day

*** When you start stalling on this program contact your coach. – We will add more rest days and or change set and repo schemes ***

A Day 1 – Squat, Deadlift, & Bench

Warm-Up Sets – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.

1×8 – Bar – rest 45 seconds
1×5 – Next weight jump – rest 1 minute 30 seconds 
1×3 – Next Weight jump – rest 1 minute 45 seconds 
Zx1 – until working weight – rest 2-4 minutes per set as 1RM scales
Rest 4-5 minutes once at working weight before beginning working sets.
Z = as many single rep sets you need to take until you get to working weight.

Working Sets –

Barbell High Bar Squat or Barbell Low Bar Squat
3×5 – Add weight from last session’s weight used – rest 3-5 minutes
I highly recommend low bar squatting unless you have specific intrusions that say otherwise.

Flat Barbell Bench Press 3×5 – Add weight from last session’s weight used – rest 3-5 minutes

Barbell Deadlift Conventional Stance or Barbell Sumo Deadlift
1×5 – Add weight from last week’s weight used – rest for 3-5 minutes

B Day 2 – Rest Day or Fluff Day

Optional Pull Ups Underhand Grip – You can pick one or the other for your workout today
2-3×3,5,8,10,15 – overtime you will be able to perform more and more pull-ups. Once able to do 15 then start adding external load.
If bodyweight is easy and you can do 15+ reps then add additional weight to your body and aim for sets of 2-3x 3, 5, 8, once at 8 reps at a given weight, then increase load gain adding more weight to your body, 2.5-5lb / 1.1-2.5kg, after adding weight then re-work the rep scheme.

You should at least be able to do 3 reps, if not able to do 3 reps, use pull-up machine assistance or a band to get at least 5 reps.
You can also do a Two Arm Seated Cable Machine High Row Underhand grip aka Supination if bodyweight is too hard.
Aim for sets of 2-3x 3, 5, 8, once at 8 reps at a given weight, then increase load gain adding more weight, 5-10lb / 2.2-5kg, after adding weight then re-work the rep scheme.

Optional Cardio – You can pick one or the other for your workout today
Low-impact cardio, your options are – Swimming – Biking – Incline Treadmill Walking – Air Rower
You can modify the workout below to be easier if you’d like into steady-state cardio. I recommend doing Tabata if you’re able.


Anaerobic Cardio – Sprint Pulse – (unless you have underlining heart conditions or are very deconditioned you should be able to do this, will be very hard)
Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .80 and .95 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should have trouble speaking a single word and have to take a breath between speaking each word.

Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .55 and .65 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.


You can also just do easy light cardio for 20 minutes if the below is too intense. DO NOT go above 20 minutes.

Tabata –

Sprint Pulse – 10-20 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO FAST ALL OUT
Recovery Pulse – 1 minute -2 minutes – Bring your heart rate down 55%-65% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO SLOW CATCH YOUR BREATH
Only do 5-10 rounds – the more you do this the more you will pull away from you ability to recover as proficient as possible.

Daily Stretches – DO NOT stretch longer then 10 minutes period!!! – Only do this if you would like to.

C Day 3 – Squat, Deadlift, & Press

Warm-Up Sets – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.

1×8 – Bar – rest 45 seconds
1×5 – Next weight jump – rest 1 minute 30 seconds 
1×3 – Next Weight jump – rest 1 minute 45 seconds 
Zx1 – until working weight – rest 2-4 minutes per set as 1RM scales
Rest 4-5 minutes once at working weight before beginning working sets.
Z = as many single rep sets you need to take until you get to working weight.

Working Sets –

Barbell High Bar Squat or Barbell Low Bar Squat
3×5 – Add weight from last session’s weight used – rest 3-5 minutes
I highly recommend low bar squatting unless you have specific intrusions that say otherwise.

Press 3×5 – Add weight from last session’s weight used – rest 3-5 minutes

Barbell Deadlift Conventional Stance or Barbell Sumo Deadlift
1×5 – Add weight from last week’s weight used – rest for 3-5 minutes

D Day 4 – Rest Day