5-6 days per week – Toshiki Kadomatsu is a revered Olympic Weightlifter from Japan. This program gained inspiration from his squat program which is 5 days per week & Starting Strength. My aim with this program is to merge barbell strength training to improve the Olympic Lifts.

Watch this video to see each workout for this phase explained in-depth by Coach Collin.

Main Lift – Progression Scheme

Start from your finishing weight on 1×10 RPE 9 from Phase 2 as per the lift.
Then slowly work up to 75% 1RM by using the RPE method.

RPE Scheme – You will perform each given RPE 1x over before moving onto the next RPE jump.
Week 22-28 –
8 – You can get 1-2 more reps. Very challenging on the last 1-2 reps of your set. You’re pushing it, but not enough for the form to break down. You’re stopping 1-2 reps shy of RPE 9. 
Days 15-21 – 7 – You can get 2-3 more reps until it this turns into an RPE 8. This is still a very challenging set. 
Days 8-14 – 6 – This weight feels good to move around. This is a good RPE to work on higher rep sets in the 12-20 reps. You can get at least 3-4 more reps until turning into an RPE 7. 
Days 1-7– 5 – Semi-challenging warm-up weight. You can get at least 4-5 more reps before turning into an RPE 6. You can move around the weight easily. This is a good RPE to work on higher rep sets in the 12-20 reps.

Adding Weight Scheme
Squats – add anywhere from 2.5-7.5 pounds per week to the bar
Deadlifts – add anywhere from 5-10 pounds per week to the bar
Bench – add anywhere from 2.5-7.5 pounds per week to the bar
Over Head Press – add anywhere from 2.5-5 pounds per week on the bar

Set and Rep Scheme

1×8 – Add weight from last weeks weight used, follow this weeks RPE scheme – rest 3-4 minutes
2×8 – Drop to 65%-70% of your One Rep Max – rest 3-4 minutes

Details About Program

How do I know when I am ready to move on to Phase 1 Intermediate Program?
You will perform each given RPE 1x over before moving onto the next RPE jump. This should take about 4 weeks then move onto your next program. If you do not feel confident yet with barbell movements then consider restarting this program to run it again.

Are weights feeling heavier than usual, feeling drained, or just wanting a day with the family?
When you feel like you need a rest day… Take a rest day! Then get back at it. The cardio days are low impact and they should not effect your recovery much.

Weekly Split – Weeks 1-4

A Day 1 – Squat & Bench
B Day 2 – Cardio Day

C Day 3 – Deadlift & Overhead Press
D Day 4 – Cardio Day

E Day 5 – Bodybuilding & Bodyweight
F Day 6 – Cardio Day
G Day 7 – Rest Day

A Day 1 – Squat & Bench

Warm-Up Sets for – 1×8 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.

1×12 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
1×8 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×2 – 70% 1RM – rest 2 minutes – on these sets should be thinking about what weight you should be at for 75% 1RM based on the RPE and how the bar speed move
Do more warm up sets for single reps if needed to get closer to your working weight.

Working Sets –

Barbell High Bar Squat or Barbell Low Bar Squat – whichever your preferred way of squatting is stick to your decision the whole cycle of the program, phase 1-3.
1×8 – Add weight from last weeks weight used, follow this weeks RPE scheme – rest 3-4 minutes
2×8 – Drop to 65%-70% of your One Rep Max – rest 3-4 minutes

Flat Barbell Bench Press – follow the warm-up rep scheme above.
1×8 – Add weight from last weeks weight used, follow this weeks RPE scheme – rest 3-4 minutes
2×8 – Drop to 65%-70% of your One Rep Max – rest 3-4 minutes

Accessories Compound

Pull Up / Assisted Pull Up 3×8
One Leg Balance (or on a balance board) 3x 45 seconds per leg
Straddle Up 3×15 – Rest 2 minutes

B Day 2 – Cardio Day


Anaerobic Cardio – Sprint Pulse – (unless you have underlining heart conditions or are very deconditioned you should be able to do this, will be very hard)
Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .80 and .95 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should have trouble speaking a single word and have to take a breath between speaking each word.

Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .55 and .65 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.

Low-impact cardio, your options are – Swimming – Biking – Elliptical – Walking – Air Rower – Incline Walking – Slow Jog
You can modify the workout below to be easier if you’d like into steady-state cardio. I recommend doing Tabata if you’re able.


Steady State Cardio on a bike or walking for 35 minutes – Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.


Tabata –
Sprint Pulse – 10 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO FAST ALL OUT
Recovery Pulse – 70 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 55%-65% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO SLOW CATCH YOUR BREATH
12 minutes = 9 rounds
20 minutes = 15 Rounds

Daily Stretches 15-25 minutes

C Day 3 – Deadlift & Overhead Press

Warm-Up Sets for – 1×8 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.

1×12 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
1×8 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×2 – 70% 1RM – rest 2 minutes – on these sets should be thinking about what weight you should be at for 75% 1RM based on the RPE and how the bar speed move
Do more warm up sets for single reps if needed to get closer to your working weight.

Working Sets –

Barbell Deadlift Conventional Stance or Barbell Sumo Deadlift – whichever your preferred way of deadlifting is stick to your decision the whole cycle of the program, phase 1-3.
1×8 – Add weight from last weeks weight used, follow this weeks RPE scheme – rest 3-4 minutes
2×8 – Drop to 65%-70% of your One Rep Max – rest 3-4 minutes

Barbell Overhead Press – follow the warm up rep scheme above.
1×8 – Add weight from last weeks weight used, follow this weeks RPE scheme – rest 3-4 minutes
2×8 – Drop to 65%-70% of your One Rep Max – rest 3-4 minutes

Accessories Compound

Flat Dumbbell Fly Neutral 3×10
Machine Two Leg Hamstring Curl Feet Pointed Out 3×10
Tibial Raises 3xFailure – Rest 2 minutes

D Day 4 – Cardio Day


Anaerobic Cardio – Sprint Pulse – (unless you have underlining heart conditions or are very deconditioned you should be able to do this, will be very hard)
Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .80 and .95 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should have trouble speaking a single word and have to take a breath between speaking each word.

Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .55 and .65 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.

Low-impact cardio, your options are – Swimming – Biking – Elliptical – Walking – Air Rower – Incline Walking – Slow Jog
You can modify the workout below to be easier if you’d like into steady-state cardio. I recommend doing Tabata if you’re able.


Steady State Cardio on a bike or walking for 35 minutes – Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.


Tabata –
Sprint Pulse – 10 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO FAST ALL OUT
Recovery Pulse – 70 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 55%-65% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO SLOW CATCH YOUR BREATH
12 minutes = 9 rounds
20 minutes = 15 Rounds

Daily Stretches 15-25 minutes

E Day 5 – Bodybuilding & Bodyweight

Warm Up

Foam Roll Back 1×4 minutes 

Foam Roll Thoracic Rotation 1×5 per side ( hold each rep for 3 seconds and take a full breath in and out )

Air Bike 2×2 minutes
TRX Squat 2×10
Banded Pull Through 2×10
Rest – 0

Accessories Compound

GHD Reverse Hyper Extension or Two Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 3×10 – Rest 2 minutes

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Pronation 3×8
Lying Leg Lifts or Flutter and Scissor Kick Tutorial 3×20 Rest – 1 minute 30 seconds

Standing Cable Machine Crossover Rear Delt Fly 3×10
Leg Extension Feet Straight 3×15 – Rest 1 minute 30 seconds

F Day 6 – Cardio Day


Anaerobic Cardio – Sprint Pulse – (unless you have underlining heart conditions or are very deconditioned you should be able to do this, will be very hard)
Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .80 and .95 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should have trouble speaking a single word and have to take a breath between speaking each word.

Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .55 and .65 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 
You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.

Low-impact cardio, your options are – Swimming – Biking – Elliptical – Walking – Air Rower – Incline Walking – Slow Jog
You can modify the workout below to be easier if you’d like into steady-state cardio. I recommend doing Tabata if you’re able.


Steady State Cardio on a bike or walking for 35 minutes – Aerobic – Recovery Pulse – Keep your heart rate between 55%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can also use the talk test. You should be slightly uncomfortable speaking a few words at a time but can maintain a conversation between breaths.


Tabata –
Sprint Pulse – 10 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 80%-95% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO FAST ALL OUT
Recovery Pulse – 70 seconds – Keep your heart rate between 55%-65% of your Maximum heart rate. – GO SLOW CATCH YOUR BREATH
12 minutes = 9 rounds
20 minutes = 15 Rounds

Daily Stretches 15-25 minutes

G Day 7 – Rest

Rest Day! Daily Stretches 15-25 minutes