4 days per week – Rehab your body from broken bones. This program is good for bodybuilding, burning calories, and giving your joint break to be ready for a powerlifting or Olympic lifting program. You will maintain your strength levels while improving hypertrophy and cardio capacity. This program is good for when you have a series of injuries and need to rebuild to lift heavy again.

Watch this video to see each workout for this phase explained in-depth by Coach Collin.

Weekly Split – Weeks 1-4

A Day 1 – Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training
B Day 2 – Rehab & Stretching
C Day 3 – Bodybuilding
D Day 4 – Stretching & Cardio
E Day 5 – Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training
F Day 6 – Rehab & Cardio
G Day 7 – Stretching & Rest

A Day 1 – Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training

Pro-Tip – Eat sugary carb packed food while benching too prepare for squats squatting – ( Food – Gatorade, Body-Armor, Chocolate, Dried Fruit )
This day far will be the longest lasting workout of the week. Expect at least 2h of training. The stronger you become the longer it will take to warm up for each working set due to the amount of singles you take working to weight and the rest periods build up to 3-8 minutes long.

Warm Up – Air Bike – 2-5 minutes

Warm-Up Sets for – 1×5 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.

2×8 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
2×4 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×1 – 70% 1RM – rest 3 minutes – on this set should be thinking about what weight you should be at for the RPE and how the bar speed moves.
Do more warm-up sets for singles to get closer to your working weight.

Working Sets –

Flat Barbell Bench Press 1ct pause bench
1×4 .84 – rest 4-5 minutes
2×4 .75 – rest 4-5 minutes

Warm up – 3-5×2 – every set go up in weight scaling up to your working weight
Snatch 6×1 – Rest – 60-120 seconds – RPE – 7-8 – Keep the weight on the lighter side and prioritize technique

Barbell Low Bar Squat( 2ct pause squat 1-2/2/1-2 )
3×4 – RPE 5 – RPE 7 RPE 7.5-8.5 – rest 4-5 minutes

B Day 2 – Rehab & Stretching

10 minute Shoulder Rehab – Listen to the audio and follow along with the video.

Sitting Incline Bench Straight Arm Raise 3×8-12 – progress from easiest to hardest – the further you lean the bench angle back, the more range of motion it will demand from your shoulders. If you have ANY discomfort while doing this exercise first – decrease the angle of the bench ( lean the bench more upright ) & then decrease the load. Your main goal in this exercise should to be slowly increase the range of motion in your shoulder and then develop strength in a more stretched position.
Standing Cable Machine Crossover Rear Delt Fly 3×12-15 – Rest – 60-120 seconds
Air Bike – 5 minutes – DO NOT SKIP THIS – alternate between backward pedaling and forward pedaling – you should also be alternating from only having your forefoot on the pedals and then only your heels on the pedal. This will change the way load is disturbed on your joints.

Pistol Squat 2-4×3-6 per leg – rest 45-90 seconds after completing each leg. – if your knees are bugging you today, keep the volume lower.
Directions – These can be done by stacking weight plates on top of each other or by using a box to step down from. During this movement, you should be using a SLOW TEMPO. On the descent it should take 2-3 seconds, with a pause in the bottom, and then without being explosive slowly raise back up to the starting position. If you watch the video – that is how pistol squats are done once you are advanced at them. I need you to start from level one and you will build up to doing full pistol squats. Keep your chest upright the whole time – this will ensure most of the movement produced is from your knee joint and not your hip. Depending on your starting point and body weight you may need to allow your chest to drop as you lower down but as time goes on pay attention to your chest position and try to keep it more upright as time goes on.
Finding your starting point – Cut the Range Of Motion for this movement to where you are in full control during the whole movement. If you find you are going to fast in a given range of motion that is a sign to either decrease range of motion or reduce the amount of reps per set to allow for better muscle performance. FORM is your number one priority for this movement and all other when performing rehab and prehab days. When in doubt consult with your coach for a form check. Even if you are only moving 2-3 inches down that is a starting point.

Belt Squat RLDs 3×8 – 2/1/2 – if your back hurts, wear a belt! The belt will lessen the load on your spine allowing you to rehab without aggravating it. Use DBs if no Belt Squat. – RPE – 4-6 the goal here is to take your body through as much range of motion as possible WITHOUT reaggravating the joint of contentiously, and then as a secondary goal to work your low back and hamstrings.
Tibial Raises 3xFailure – make sure you are doing these right – see video or contact coach if you are not feeling this in your shins. – Rest 90-120 seconds

Calf Raises 2×12 1×5 – when doing these sets two legs become easy then begin to do single leg variations. Your goal is to push the range of motion before strength up to a certain point –
Benchmark – if you can’t sit all the way down like a yoga teacher into a squat while holding onto anything in bare feet then continue to push the range of motion. Once you can sit into a squat fully then switch your focus to progressing to single leg variations and then adding weight to continue to challenge your calf muscles.
Plank Two Arm 3×10-60 seconds – Rest 90-120 seconds – depending on your level of shoulder pain you may only be able to hold a plank for a short amount of time – watch the video for different variation options – progress from easiest to hardest – Plank on your hands, plank on forearms, plank on hands alternating taping shoulders, single arm plank wide stance with feet, weighted plank on hands, weighted plank on forearms, explosive burpee planks.

Full Body Stretching – Follow this Stretch Video!
Stretch in a relaxing environment – do not strength in a busy gym. You need you mind and body to be at ease when you are working on mobility or else you will have a tough time releasing muscles.

C Day 3 – Bodybuilding

Lat Pulldown 2×15 1×8 – 2/0/2 – rest – 1 minute

Two Arm Seated Cable Machine Horizontal Row Neutral 3×8 – 1/1/3 – ( lean your chest down as you return the weight down to emphasize the stretch as much as your back can handle increasing the hip angle simultaneously as your chest is coming forward )
One Leg Balance 3×60 seconds – When you can balance more then 60 seconds at a manageable pain level, then you need to progress this exercise – watch the video on how to progress this exercise – rest 2 minutes

Hanging Leg Lift with Straight Legs 3×10-15 – 1/0/1
Cable Machine One Arm Pushdowns Neutral 3×12 – 1/1/2
Standing Dumbbell Curls Neutral into Supination 3×12 – 2/0/2 – rest 1 minute

D Day 4 – Stretching & Cardio

Full Body Stretching – Follow this Stretch Video! – if you are short on time, do your stretching over the cardio.
Stretch in a relaxing environment – do not strength in a busy gym. You need you mind and body to be at ease when you are working on mobility or else you will have a tough time releasing muscles.

Air Bike, Bike on the Greenway, Elliptical, Walk, Weighted vest walk – Do not run, – aim for 25 minutes

E Day 5 – Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training

Warm-Up Sets for – 1×5 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.

2×8 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
2×4 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×1 – 70% 1RM – rest 3 minutes – on this set, you should be thinking about what weight you should be at for the RPE and how the bar speed moves.
Do more warm-up sets for singles to get closer to your working weight.

Air Bike Sprint 4×15 second sprint – 1 minute slow recovery pace
( if you have a knee injury be mindful while sprinting, slowly increase speed – not all at once jarring your knee )
Mountain Climbers 4×8 DO THESE SLOW! Tucking one knee fully & returning it to the ground should take 1-2 seconds – be intentional with the reps and keep your pelvis tucked curing your lower back
Rest – repeat until done 4 sets.

Warm up – 3-5×2 – every set goes up in weight scaling up to your working weight
Power Clean or Clean & Jerk 3×1 – RPE 7-8 – Rest – 3 minutes – Keep the weight on the lighter side and prioritize technique

Barbell Deadlift
1×1 .90-.93 – rest 3-8 minutes
1×4 .75 – rest 4-5 minutes

Incline Barbell Bench Press Pronation 3×5-8 – RPE 8
Lat Pulldown 3×5 or Pull Up 3×5 ( add weight if needed ) – RPE 8
Rest – 4-5 minutes – REST THIS LONG!

F Day 6 – Rehab & Cardio

10 minute Shoulder Rehab – Listen to the audio and follow along with the video.

Seated Incline Bench Front Raise 3×8-12 – progress from easiest to hardest – the further you lean the bench angle back, the more range of motion it will demand from your shoulders. If you have ANY discomfort while doing this exercise first – decrease the angle of the bench ( lean the bench more upright ) & then decrease the load. Your main goal on this exercise should to be slowly increase the range of motion in your shoulder and then develop strength in a more stretched position.
Cable Rear Delt Crossover Fly’s 3×12-15 – Rest – 60-120 seconds

Air Bike – 5 minutes – DO NOT SKIP THIS – alternate between backward pedaling and forward pedaling – you should also be alternating from only having your forefoot on the pedals and then only your heels on the pedal. This will change the way load is disturbed on your joints.

Pistol Squat 2-4×3-6 per leg – rest 45-90 seconds after completing each leg. – if your knees are bugging you today, keep the volume lower.
Directions – These can be done by stacking weight plates on top of each other or by using a box to step down from. During this movement, you should be using a SLOW TEMPO. On the descent it should take 2-3 seconds, a pause in the bottom and then without being explosive slowly raise back up to the starting position. If you watch the video – that is how pistol squats are done once you are advanced at them. I need you to start from level one and you will build up to doing full pistol squats. Keep your chest upright the whole time – this will ensure most of the movement produced is from your knee joint and not your hip. Depending on your starting point and bodyweight you may need to allow your chest to drop as you lower down but as time goes on pay attention to your chest position and try to keep it more upright as time goes on.
Finding your starting point – Cut Range Of Motion for this movement to were you are in full control during the whole movement. If you find you are going to fast in a given range of motion that is a sign to either decrease range of motion or reduce the amount for reps per set to allow for better muscle performance. FORM is your number one priority for this movement and all other when performing rehab and prehab days. When in doubt consult with your coach for a form check. Even if you only move 2-3 inches down that is a starting point.

Belt Squat RLDs 3×8 – 2/1/2 – if your back hurts, wear a belt! The belt will lessen the load on your spine allowing you to rehab without aggravating it. Use DBs if no Belt Squat. – RPE – 4-6 the goal here is to take your body through as much range of motion as possible WITHOUT reaggravating the joint of contentiously, and then as a secondary goal to work your low back and hamstrings.
Tibial Raise 3xFailure – make sure you are doping these right – see video or contact coach if you are not feeling this in your shins. – Rest 90-120 seconds

Calf Raise 2×12 1×5 – when doing these sets two legs become easy then begin to do single leg variations. Your goal is to push the range of motion before strength up to a certain point –
Benchmark – if you can’t sit all the way down like a yoga teacher into a squat with holding onto anything in bare feet then continue to push range of motion. Once you can sit into a squat fully then switch your focus on to progressing to single leg variations and then adding weight to continue to challenge your calf muscles.
Plank 3×10-60 seconds – rest 90-120 seconds – depending on your level of shoulder pain you may only be able to hold a plank for a short amount of time – watch the video for different variation options – progress from easiest to hardest – Plank on your hands, plank on forearms, plank on hands alternating taping shoulders, single arm plank wide stance with feet, weighted plank on hands, weighted plank on forearms, explosive burpee planks.

Air Bike, Bike on the Greenway, Elliptical, Walk, Weighted vest walk – Do not run, – aim for 25 minutes

G Day 7 – Stretching & Rest

Full Body Stretching – Follow this Stretch Video! – if you are short on time, do your stretching over the cardio.
Stretch in a relaxing environment – do not strength in a busy gym. You need you mind and body to be at ease when you are working on mobility or else you will have a tough time releasing muscles.