Bulk, Build, Cut, Maintain.
Weekly Split – Week 2
A Day 1 – Squat, Bench, & Deadlift
B Day 2 – Cardio
Rest Day
C Day 3 – Pause Squat, Press, & Mobility
D Day 4 – Upper Back & Delts & Abs
Rest Day
E Day 5 – Cardio
F Day 6 – Deadlift, Incline Bench, & Belt Squat
G Day 7 – Upper Back & Arms & Abs
H Day 8 – Cardio
Rest Day
You total tonnage needs to be recorded at the end of each week only for the main lifts
A Day 1 – Squat, Bench, & Deadlift
Pro-Tip – Eat sugary carb packed food while benching too prepare for squats squatting – ( Food – Gatorade, Body-Armor, Chocolate, Dried Fruit )
This day far will be the longest lasting workout of the week. Expect at least 2h of training. The stronger you become the longer it will take to warm up for each working set due to the amount of singles you take working to weight and the rest periods build up to 3-8 minutes long.
Warm Up – Air Bike – 2-5 minutes
Warm-Up Sets for – 1×5 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.
2×8 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
2×4 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×1 – 70% 1RM – rest 3 minutes – on this set should be thinking about what weight you should be at for the RPE and how the bar speed moves.
Do more warm-up sets for singles to get closer to your working weight.
Working Sets –
Flat Barbell Bench Press – 2ct pause bench
1×8 at .65 RPE 5.5
1×5 at .70 RPE 7
1×3 at .80 RPE 8
Rest 2-4 minutes
Barbell Low Bar Squat – if needed rest up to 3-8 minutes between warm up single sets to prepare for heavy single.
1×1 .90-.93 – rest 3-8 minutes
1×4 .84 – rest 4-5 minutes
1×4 .75 – rest 4-5 minutes
Push-Ups 3xFailure – Rest 2 minutes – Can do these on partlet bars to improve range of motion & hypotrophy.
Plank Two Arm 3×30 seconds
Straddle Up 3×10 per leg alternating sides
Rest – 90 seconds
Barbell Deadlift Conventional Stance or Barbell Sumo Deadlift – 2ct pause deadlift – because of all the pre-fatigue expect, working weight to between 60%-80% of your usual working weight
1×8 at RPE 5.5 60%-80% 1RM
1×5 at RPE 7 60%-80% 1RM
1×3 at RPE 8 60%-80% 1RM
Rest 2-4 minutes
B Day 2 – Cardio
Air Bike, Bike on the Greenway, Elliptical, or Swim
2-minute medium pace you can maintain then a 15-second sprint – 10 rounds – this should take 22 minutes 30 seconds, after completion of 10 rounds then do –
10 minutes of steady-state cardio at a pace you can maintain
Rest Day
C Day 3 – Incline Bench, Pause Squat, & Mobility
Warm-Up Sets for – 1×5 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.
2×8 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
2×4 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×2 – 70% 1RM – rest 3 minutes – on this set should be thinking about what weight you should be at for the RPE and how the bar speed moves.
Do more warm-up sets for single or double reps if needed to get closer to your working weight.
Working Sets –
Incline Barbell Bench Press
1×8 at RPE 5.5 60%-80% 1RM
1×5 at RPE 7 65%-80% 1RM
1×3 at RPE 8 70%-80% 1RM
Rest 2-4 minutes
Barbell Low Bar Squat ( 2ct pause squat 1-2/2/1-2 )
3×4 – RPE 5 – RPE 7 RPE 7.5-8.5 – rest 4-5 minutes
Warm Up –
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 4×4 rest 2-4 min – pyramid sets, increase weight every set up to working weight for below
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 2×3
Standing Cable Machine Crossover Rear Delt Row 2×8 Rest – 3 minutes
Standing Cable Machine Crossover Rear Delt Row 2×5
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 2×8 Rest – 3 minutes
Hamstring Curl Machine 3×8 1×12
Incline Cable Fly Supination 1×12 2×8 – 2x slow on the eccentric than the concentric phase of each rep
Tibial Raises 3xFailure – rest – 3 minutes
Do this after you get home before bed to improve stretching quality
Seated Middle Split Hamstring Stretch 4×60-120 seconds ( focus on deep diaphragmic breathing )
Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 4x2x60-120 seconds ( focus on deep diaphragmic breathing )
Rest – 2 minutes
D Day 4 – Upper Back, Quads, & Abs
Leg Extension 4×20 RPE 4-6 aim for pump & burn not load
Pull Ups 4×5 ( add weight if under RPE 8 ) Rest – 2 minutes
Seated Incline Bench Tri-Raise 3×21 aim for pump & burn not load
Hanging Leg Raise Lift Single Leg 3×15 per leg – rest 90 seconds
Penguin Sit Ups 3×40 – Rest – 3 minutes
Meadow T-Bar Row Single Arm 3×10
Cable Machine Two Arm Pushdowns V-attachment 3×10 – 1/1/1 – rest 2 minutes
Standing Dumbbell Curls Supination into Pronation 2×8 – 1/0/2
Cable Machine Two Arm Pushdowns V-attachment 2×21 – rest 2 minutes
Rest Day
E Day 5 – Cardio
Air Bike, Bike on the Greenway, Elliptical, or Swim
2-minute medium pace you can maintain then a 15-second sprint – 10 rounds – this should take 22 minutes 30 seconds, after completion of 10 rounds then do –
10 minutes of steady-state cardio at a pace you can maintain
F Day 6 – Deadlift, Flat Bench, & Belt Squat
Warm-Up Sets for – 1×5 – This warm-up scheme can be followed for Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press.
If you are already warmed up from squatting you may find you can make bigger jumps. When in doubt, play it safe and go slow.
2×8 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
2×4 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×2 – 70% 1RM – rest 3 minutes – on this set should be thinking about what weight you should be at for the RPE and how the bar speed moves.
Do more warm-up sets for single or double reps if needed to get closer to your working weight.
Working Sets –
Flat Barbell Bench Press – if needed rest up to 3-8 minutes between warm up single sets to prepare for heavy single.
1×1 .90-.93 – rest 3-8 minutes
1×4 .84 – rest 4-5 minutes
1×4 .75 – rest 4-5 minutes
Barbell Deadlift Conventional Stance or Barbell Sumo Deadlift – if needed rest up to 3-8 minutes between warm up single sets to prepare for heavy single.
1×1 .90-.93 – rest 3-8 minutes
1×4 .84 – rest 4-5 minutes
1×4 .75 – rest 4-5 minutes
TRX assisted sissy squad or Geek squat – 3×8 – Rest 2 minutes
G Day 7 – Upper Back & Arms & Abs
Lat Pulldown 2×15 1×8 – 2/0/2 – rest – 1 minute
Two Arm Seated Cable Machine Horizontal Row Neutral 3×8 – 1/1/3 – ( lean your chest down as you return the weight down to emphasize the stretch as much as your back can handle increasing the hip angle simultaneously as your chest is coming forward )
Cable Machine Standing Pullover 3×15 – 1/1/2 Rest – 3 minutes
Hanging Leg Lift with Straight Legs 4×10-15 – 1/0/1
Cable Machine One Arm Pushdowns Neutral 4×12 – 1/1/2
Standing Dumbbell Curls Neutral into Supination 4×12 – 2/0/2 – rest 2 minutes
H Day 8 – Cardio
Air Bike, Bike on the Greenway, Elliptical, or Swim
2-minute medium pace you can maintain then a 15-second sprint – 10 rounds – this should take 22 minutes 30 seconds, after completion of 10 rounds then do –
10 minutes of steady-state cardio at a pace you can maintain