22 sets total per workout 5-6 days per week – From marshmallow squish to steel-plated abs, build your body and armor your mind with this program.
This is a hypertrophy-based program. Your main lift sections will be higher reps and you will focus on 2-3 muscle groups per session.

Watch this video to see each workout for this phase explained in-depth by Coach Collin.

Main Lift – Progression Scheme

3×8 – 75% 1RM – rest 2-3 minutes
Add 2.5-5 pounds to the 1RM% every week to only one set of 1×8. The other two sets of 2×8 drop down to the previous week’s weight used.

Weekly Split – Weeks 1-4

A Day 1 – Quads and Hamstrings Low Volume
B Day 2 –  Aerobic Cardio
C Day 3 – Chest and Shoulders
D Day 4 – Rest Day
E Day 5 – Quads, Hamstring, Calfs, and Tibials High Volume
F Day 6 – Aerobic Cardio
G Day 7 – Back and Arms 
H Day 8 – Rest Day

A Day 1 – Quads and Hamstrings Low Volume

Warm Up

Foam Roll Back 1×2 minutes 

Foam Roll Thoracic Rotation 1×5 per side 2/5/2 

Air Bike Sprint 2×2 minutes
Floor Sweeps 2×14 steps
Standing Quad Pull 2×5 per leg

Main Compound

Warm-Up Sets 

Barbell Low Bar Squat – Try low-bar squats because this is a hamstring-focused day. 
If you do not like low bar squats do Barbell Good-morning instead.
1×21 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
1×8 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×5 – 70% 1RM – rest 1 minute 45 seconds

Working Sets

Barbell High Bar Squat – follow your RIR per the week of training. These should be hard intense sets.
3×8 – 75% 1RM – rest 2-3 minutes
Add 2.5-5 pounds to the 1RM% every week to only one set of 1×8. The other two sets of 2×8 drop down to the previous week’s weight used.

Accessories Compound

Leg Extension Feet Straight 2×10 – 2/0/3
Two Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 2×8 – 1/1/2 – rest 2 minutes

GHD Bodyweight 2×5 (these 5 reps do them weighted or a slow tempo bodyweight) – dropset – 2×10 – rest 3 minutes

B Day 2 – Aerobic Cardio

Keep your heart rate between 65%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .65 and .75 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 

30-45 minutes of low-impact cardio – Swimming, Biking, Elliptical, Walking, Incline Walking, Hiking, Slow Jog, Yoga,

C Day 3 – Chest and Shoulders

Warm Up

Foam Roll Back 1×2 minutes 

Foam Roll Thoracic Rotation 1×5 per side 2/5/2 

Banded Pull Apart Supinated 2×15 
Banded Pull Through 2×10
Y-hold/Superman Plank 2×30 seconds

Main Compound

Warm-Up Sets

Barbell Overhead Press
1×21 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
1×8 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×5 – 70% 1RM – rest 1 minute 45 seconds

Working Sets

Barbell Overhead Press
3×8 – 75% 1RM – rest 2-3 minutes
Add 2.5-5 pounds to the 1RM% every week to only one set of 1×8. The other two sets of 2×8 drop down to the previous week’s weight used.

Accessories Compound

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press Pronation 4×8 
Standing Cable Machine One Arm Lateral Raise Pronation 4×12 – rest 2 minutes 

Incline Cable Fly Supination 3×12 – dropset – 3×15 second ISO hold 
Standing Cable Machine Crossover Rear Delt Fly 3×15 – rest 2 minutes 

Incline Cable Fly Supination 1×10 – dropset – 1×10 – rest 2 minutes

Standing Dumbbell Front Raise Neutral 2×12
Standing Bent-over Dumbbell Reverse Fly Pronation 2×15 – rest 2 minutes 

D Day 4 –  Rest Day

Rest Day

E Day 5 – Quads, Hamstring, Calfs, and Tibials High Volume

Warm Up

Foam Roll Back 1×2 minutes 

Foam Roll Thoracic Rotation 1×5 per side 2/5/2 

Air Bike Sprint 2×2 minutes
Floor Sweeps 2×14 steps
Standing Quad Pull 2×5 per leg

Main Compound

Warm-Up Sets

Barbell Front Squat
If front squats are uncomfortable do Barbell High Bar Squats instead.
1×21 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
1×4 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds

Working Sets

Barbell Front Squat
Only for the main lift of this workout, the RIR will stay at 4-3 the whole program. Save your effort for the low-volume leg day’s main lift.
3×8 – 65% 1RM – rest 2-3 minutes – since the weight is lower % you may try a brief pause in the bottom of the squat.

Accessories Compound

Dumbbell Suitcase Squats 3×8 – 1/1/3
Straddle Up 3×30-45 second hold – rest 2 minutes

Nordic Hamstring Curls or Machine Two Leg Hamstring Curl Feet Pointed Straight 2×8 – dropset – 2×21 – rest 3 minutes 

Tibial Raises 3×15 – do these standing on a platform with only your heels on so you can lower your feet and raise them up, add a range of motion, or increase time under tension
Hip Adduction Machine or Copenhagen Plank Side Dips 3×12 – rest 2 minutes 

TRX Plyometric Jump Squat 2×10 
Hip Abduction Machine  or Banded Goblet Squat/Seated Hip Abduction 2×12 

F Day 6 – Aerobic Cardio

Keep your heart rate between 65%-75% of your Maximal heart rate. You can use a smartwatch or subtract your age from 220 to know your maximum rate. Then multiply .65 and .75 by your maximal rate and that number would be your goal to stay in between for the duration of your cardio session. 

30-45 minutes of low-impact cardio – Swimming, Biking, Elliptical, Walking, Incline Walking, Hiking, Slow Jog, Yoga,

G Day 7 – Back and Arms 

Warm Up

Foam Roll Back 1×2 minutes 

Foam Roll Thoracic Rotation 1×5 per side 2/5/2 

Banded Pull Apart Supinated 2×15 
Banded Pull Through 2×10
Y-hold/Superman Plank 2×30 seconds

Main Compound

Warm-Up Sets

Chest-Supported Incline Bench Dumbbell Row Neutral
1×21 – 45% 1RM – rest 45 seconds
1×8 – 60% 1RM – rest 1 minute 30 seconds
1×5 – 70% 1RM – rest 1 minute 45 seconds

Working Sets

Chest-Supported Incline Bench Dumbbell Row Neutral
3×8 – 75% 1RM – rest 2-3 minutes
Add 2.5-5 pounds to the 1RM% every week to only one set of 1×8. The other two sets of 2×8 drop down to the previous week’s weight used.

Accessories Compound

Two Arm Seated Cable Machine Lateral Row Supination 3×12
Seated Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls Supination 3×12 – rest 1 minutes 53 seconds 

Standing Tripod Dumbell Row Pronation 2×5
Seated Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls Neutral into Supination 2×12
Cable Machine Two Arm Pushdowns Neutral 2×12 – rest 3 minutes  

Two-Arm Seated Cable Machine High Row Neutral 1×10 – dropset – 1×8 – rest 2-3 minutes Neutral

Two-Arm Seated Cable Machine High Row Neutral 2×10 
Cable Machine Two Arm Curls Wide Grip Supination 2×15
Dumbbell Floor Press 2×8 – rest 2-3 minutes 

G Day 8 – Rest Day

Rest Day – Rest up and Recover!